Thursday, August 5, 2010

Make A Wish and BLOW!

This is just a sneak peek at the finished project... Im hoping to get them displayed on the wall
of the newly remodeled powder room this weekend!!   yipppeeee!!

Okay, so we are working on a total remodel of our powder room.  I will make that one of my posts as soon as it's complete and I can show you the before and after photos. I'm so excited!!!!!

I originally thought of doing a "coastal theme" ... not too beachy... just a hint. So I picked out a color for the walls.... (Color Place - #639-Bridgewater)... It's a steel blue shade. Looks blue at first glance, but if you hold something blue next to it, you realize it's a gray shade.  So calming, tranquil, relaxing..... so, after looking at the color on the walls for a while, it hit me... BAM! I decided I want to make the theme in this room more of a tranquility, relaxing theme... So... for some strange reason I just kept thinking of Dandelions!  You know... the fun "weeds" you pick from the grass .... make a wish.... and blow the little feathery seeds into the wind!

Well.... Ive ordered a white vinyl decal of dandelions for one wall.... just waiting for it to arrive.... but I came up with a fun idea for a collage of framed black and white pics of Dandelions for another wall.  And the best part is the project only cost me $6.00 -
Woo-Hoo!!!!!  Take a look!

Found these 4x4 picture frames at Dollar Tree.... yes, they were really U~G~L~Y!
Just a dollar each so I got 6 of them.

Took them home, gave 'em a good spraying of Oil Rubbed Bronze....

The frames didnt have a hanger on the back, so I just ripped off the little "easel leg" and glued
a Sawhook Hanger onto the back of each frame. (Found these in a little package in my junk  drawer... who knew?) 

While the glue was drying on the hangers, I looked up some Dandelion
images on the internet and printed out some of the pics in Black and White.
Trimmed them to fit the 4x4 frames.... and Ta-Da!!!!

Im really hoping to have these on the wall in the powder room this weekend
so I can show you the full effect. So... what do you think?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Knock Out - Knock Off's ... on a budget

If you have been around Blog-Land recently, you've probably seen the Williams Sonoma glass hurricane knock-off's being creating with inexpensive Dollar Tree deals. (Seriously friends, the one I loved at Williams Sonoma was $118.... that's just for one... and the candle was NOT included). I love to browse around the Williams Sonoma shop in my area and daydream. "ooohhhh!!! ... ahhhhh!!!" So many pretty things for your home, just a bit pricey. So you can imagine how funny this Brown Eyed Girl looked SKIPPING all the way to the checkout when I found the supplies at my local Dollar Tree to make these. Each piece was just .... need I say it?.... ONE DOLLAR!! yipppee!  I already had the glue, sand and shells.  I can just see these with acorns and leaves for the Fall, and red berries or maybe jingle bells during the holidays!   ahhhh..... looking at these makes me want to go back to the beach!!! Im thinking I will change out the small candle for one a little taller. What 'cha think?

$118 for the tall one - at Williams Sonoma
Beachy Hurricanes for just $3 each.
So pretty to enjoy on a Summer Evening!

Im Seeing STARS!

Hello!! Welcome to my very first post! Im so excited to finally start my own blog!! I just hope I can figure it out enough to keep it interesting for you all! I have so many projects going on around my house at the moment, but with the kids being home all day for Summer Break, it's hard to complete one before getting distracted and moving on to something new that catches my eye.

I have fallen in LOVE with decoupaged Metal Stars! I actually purchased one a while back for my guest bedroom.... then, when I decided I wanted one for my back porch, I stopped thought "I bet I could make one of these?"  Well.... once I started, I couldnt stop. Take a look at a few of my funky stars: